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What a delightfully scary treat to discover that the 1978 film was made into a novel the following year!

Lots of cool additions to this book:

1. Added scenes

2. Expanded dialogue

3. A brief moment with Mrs. Meyers

4. Michael Meyer's family history

5. A chapter devoted to Michael's VP.

Problems: Zig-zagging formatting and lots of mechanical errors.

Still a great read with a captivating writing style that fully explains Michael Meyers's story. We also get more fleshed out characters, even with Annie and Linda. And Laurie has some surprising moves that you don't ever see in the film.

Especially interesting is that Curtis Richards writes about things that don't even happen until the 6th installment, over 15 years later!

A good novelization of the groundbreaking film that forever changed the horror genre.

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